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Creating Automation

At this topic we will cover how to create our first automation from scratch, explaining all you have to know to start building your own automated tasks.

Automation Structure

No configuration is needed to create an automation using Marvin. To simplify everything, Marvin uses some conventions that will help you with faster development and less risk of misconfiguration.

All automations must be placed on C:\<MARVIN_HOME>\scripts\ folder, and each folder inside this path will be the automation task name.


Understanding Files

  • script.mvn: this is the main automation file, containing all automation steps. This is the fila that Marvin will run, when the automation is called.

  • fail.mvn (optional): automation file called automatically when script.mvn fails on execution. Should be used to close opened programs, get further information about machines current status, and other necessary actions in case of fail. This file is optional, if fail.mvn file doesn't exists, no further actions will be done in case o script fail.

  • timeout.mvn (optional): automation file called automatically when script.mvn takes too long and reaches timeout time. This file is optional, if timeout.mvn file doesn't exists, Marvin will give no error.

  • assests (optional): folder used to save all extra data need by automation, as: image templates, Excel files, for example. We strongly recommend that all external files need by automation task, to be putted inside assets folder, for a cleaner automation and better maintenance.

Automation defined on script.mvn, fail.mvn and timeout.mvn files, are created by using Marvin Actions on the same sequence as user do when using the computer.