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AWS S3 Actions

S3 Actions to interact with S3 Buckets

AWS S3 Actions

Downloads content from S3 Bucket


bucket - The name of the bucket containing the objects

object_name - Name of the object to be downloaded

save_path - Complete path to saved file (path + filename with file extension)

aws_access_key_id (optional) - AWS access key id for authentication

aws_secret_access_key (optional) - AWS secret access key for authentication


This action gives no return


List files in S3 Bucket


bucket - The name of the bucket containing the objects

prefix - Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix

aws_access_key_id (optional) - AWS access key id for authentication

aws_secret_access_key (optional) - AWS secret access key for authentication


bucket_keys - List with all Bucket leys found

s3_objects - List with S3 objects


Upload a file in S3 Bucket


bucket - The name of the bucket containing the objects

file_path - Path to the file to be uploaded

aws_access_key_id (optional) - AWS access key id for authentication

aws_secret_access_key (optional) - AWS secret access key for authentication

object_name (optional) - Name of the object to be uploaded

file_mime_type (optional) - Define file MIME type


This action gives no return