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Date Actions

Date Actions are actions to interact with date in Marvin.

Date Mask

To interact with dates it should be defined a mask.

%Y: Year with four digits, ex: 2020.

%m: Month with two digits, ex: 01.

%d: Day with two digits, ex: 05.

Considering the day 2020-05-30, using the mask we can get the following exits:

%Y/%m/%d: 2020/05/30

%d-%m-%Y: 30-05-2020

%Y%m: 202005



Convert date format to another format as desired.


date_str - date as text in the current format. This is the input for the convertion.

input_mask (optional) - mask of the input text date (default=%Y-%m-%d).

output_mask (optional) - mask of the output text date (default=%Y-%m-%d).


date - text date with the given mask


Return a date considering how many business days before or aft. If you need past days, use negative numbers, if you need future days, use positive numbers.


date (optional) - base date to calculate the business days delta (default=today).

days (optional) - how many business days should be added or subtracted from the base date. Positive numbers will give future business days, and negative numbers past business days.

mask (optional) - mask of the output text date (default=%Y-%m-%d).


date - text date with the given mask


Return a new text dat considering the desired interval.


date (optional) - base date to calculate the business days delta (default=today).

years (optional) - how many years should be added or subtracted from the base date. Positive numbers will give future dates, and negative numbers past dates (default=0).

months (optional) - how many months should be added or subtracted from the base date. Positive numbers will give future dates, and negative numbers past dates (default=0).

days (optional) - how many days should be added or subtracted from the base date. Positive numbers will give future dates, and negative numbers past dates (default=0).

mask (optional) - mask of the output text date (default=%Y-%m-%d).


date - text date with the given mask


Return the first day of the month for the given month and year. If no month and year were given, it will use today as default year/month.

Important: year and month must be informed to consider as a valid input. If one of those params are not set, today will be used as dafault year/month.


years (optional) - mumber of the year to return the first day

months (optional) - number of the month to return the first day

mask (optional) - mask of the output text date (default=%Y-%m-%d).


date - text date with the given mask


Return the last day of the month for the given month and year. If no month and year were given, it will use today as default year/month.

Important: year and month must be informed to consider as a valid input. If one of those params are not set, today will be used as dafault year/month.


years (optional) - mumber of the year to return the first day

months (optional) - number of the month to return the first day

mask (optional) - mask of the output text date (default=%Y-%m-%d).


date - text date with the given mask

Return a new text date as today


mask (optional) - mask of the output text date (default=%Y-%m-%d).


date - text date with today date in the given mask