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Prompt Actions

Prompt Actions are actions to interact with the user on the computer, asking for input information, alerting or confirmation messages.



Opens a alert screen presenting a message to notify the user. The process will be hold util user click the button on screen.


text - text to appear for user, inside the alert screen.

title (optional) - title of the alert screen (default='Alert').

button (optional) - text of the button (default='OK').


clicked_button - return the text of the button that the user clicked on.


Open a screen presenting a message to notify the user, enabling to add many customizable buttons.


text - text to appear for user, inside the alert screen.

title (optional) - title of the alert screen (default='Confirm').

buttons (optional) - List of button texts to present on screen. Example: ['button 1', 'button 2', 'button 3].


clicked_button - return the text of the button that the user clicked on.


Open a screen to get a password or any kind of secret information. All text inserted will be masked.


text - text to appear for user, inside the alert screen.

title (optional) - title of the alert screen (default='Password').

default_value (optional) - default value to be inserted in the input area of the screen (default='').

mask (optional) - character used to mask the input value (default='*')


input - return the text inserted by the user


Open a screen to get text information from the user.


text - text to appear for user, inside the alert screen.

title (optional) - title of the alert screen (default='Password').

default_value (optional) - default value to be inserted in the input area of the screen (default='').


input - return the text inserted by the user