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Screen Actions

Screen Actions are actions to interact with the computer screen.



Takes a screenshot from desired part of the screen.


x - Left most position of the screen to be croped

y - Top most position of the screen to be croped

width - Width of the screen to crop

height - Height of the screen to crop

save_path - Path to save the croped screenshot image


screenshot - Image of entire screen

crop - Image of croped area


This action gives no exception


Find the best match of template image, from assets, inside the screen and return the position on screen.


template_image - name of the asset image used as template.

threshold (optional) - minimum match to consider that the template was found (default=0.9 - 90%).

screenshot_img (optional) - if the template should be found on a given screen beside on current screen (default=None - take a new screenshot).


x - left position of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

y - top position of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

width - width of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

height - height of the found image on screen/screenshot_img


ImageNotFoundException - if no matching image were found until the timeout is reached


Find the best match of template image, from assets, inside the screen and return the center position of the found image.


template_image - name of the asset image used as template.

threshold (optional) - minimum match to consider that the template was found (default=0.9 - 90%).

screenshot_img (optional) - if the template should be found on a given screen beside on current screen (default=None - take a new screenshot).


x - center position from left of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

y - center position from top of the found image on screen/screenshot_img


Find all matches of template image, inside the screen and return its position.


template_image - name of the asset image used as template.

threshold (optional) - minimum match to consider that the template was found (default=0.9 - 90%).

screenshot_img (optional) - if the template should be found on a given screen beside on current screen (default=None - take a new screenshot).

overlap_factor (optional) - percentage of overlap to consider the same image. If the overlap between two images is higher than the overlap_factor, the two found images are considered to be the same (default=0.5 - 50%).


List of image posisions, with values:

x[num] - left position of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

y[num] - top position of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

width[num] - width of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

height[num] - height of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

length - number of images found


Find all matches of template image, inside the screen and return its center position.


template_image - name of the asset image used as template.

threshold (optional) - minimum match to consider that the template was found (default=0.9 - 90%).

screenshot_img (optional) - if the template should be found on a given screen beside on current screen (default=None - take a new screenshot).

overlap_factor (optional) - percentage of overlap to consider the same image. If the overlap between two images is higher than the overlap_factor, the two found images are considered to be the same (default=0.5 - 50%).


List of image posisions, with values:

x[num] - center position from left of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

y[num] - center position from top of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

length - number of images found


Takes a screenshot from entire screen.


This action has no parameters


screenshot - Image of entire screen


This action gives no exception


Waits until a matching image apears on the screen.


template_image - name of the asset image used as template.

threshold (optional) - minimum match to consider that the template was found (default=0.9 - 90%).

screenshot_img (optional) - if the template should be found on a given screen beside on current screen (default=None - take a new screenshot).

timeout (optional) - maximum number os seconds to waits for a matching image. If no matching image pears throws a ImageNotFoundException (default=60).


x - left position of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

y - top position of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

width - width of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

height - height of the found image on screen/screenshot_img


ImageNotFoundException - if no matching image were found until the timeout is reached


Waits until one of the matching images apear on the screen.


template_image_list - list with name of the asset images used as template.

threshold (optional) - minimum match to consider that the template was found (default=0.9 - 90%).

screenshot_img (optional) - if the template should be found on a given screen beside on current screen (default=None - take a new screenshot).

timeout (optional) - maximum number os seconds to waits for a matching image. If no matching image pears throws a ImageNotFoundException (default=60).


image_found- name of the image that were found on screen

x - left position of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

y - top position of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

width - width of the found image on screen/screenshot_img

height - height of the found image on screen/screenshot_img


ImageNotFoundException - if no matching image were found until the timeout is reached

Usage Example
screen.wait_images(["error-1.png", "error-2.png"])

if $image_found == "error-1.png":
    prompt.alert("Error 1 found on screen")

elif $image_found == "error-2.png":
    prompt.alert("Error 2 found on screen")


Waits until a matching image disapears from the screen.


template_image - name of the asset image used as template.

threshold (optional) - minimum match to consider that the template was found (default=0.9 - 90%).

screenshot_img (optional) - if the template should be found on a given screen beside on current screen (default=None - take a new screenshot).

timeout (optional) - maximum number os seconds to waits for a matching image to disapear, if not throws a TimeoutException (default=60).


This action has no return


TimeoutException - if the matching image still visible after timeout reaches