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It is possible to interact with your Marvin robot using APIs to start new automations or getting back execution status and logs.

There are two different kinds of APIs you can interact with robot APIs and user APIs.

Robot APIs

Robot APIs are those used to interact direct with your robot, sending executions to a specific robot on your account. To use one of those APIs endpoints, it is necessary to have the robotKey and robotSecret, to retrieve the authentication token, used for all your requests.

Authentication Token

This endpoint is responsible to validate your robotKey and robotSecret, sending back an authorization token, to be used on all other API calls.

Verb: PUT



  • Content-Type: application/json

Query Parameters:

  • fromDate: initial date to use as filter (timestamp format)
  • toDate: final date to use as filter (timestamp format)
  • scriptName: script name to filter
  • robotName: robot name to filter
  • execStatus: status name to filter


    "robotId": "<your robotKey>",
    "secretKey": "<your robotKey>"


    "token": "hjbwfNytoos_aAA-FqpiVwwOl-qGh5Ed5Jo5s72DoDw", // Authorization Token
    "expires": 1636202881 // Token expire date and time

Executing Scripts

This endpoint adds a new automation execution to your Marvin robot.

Verb: PUT




    "robotId": "<your robotSecret>",
    "script": "<name of script to be executed>", 
    "vars": { // Key/Value for all Marvin variable you want to set at process start
        "city": "New York",
        "year": "2021"


    "executionId": "6ca6120f-2b4a-42f8-8715-b94d4984460y" // Execution ID

User APIs

User APIs are those used to get the same informations you see on your Marvin Console. To use these API endpoints, please contact Marvin Support Team and ask for your access.

List Executions

This endpoint returns a list with all executions from the last 7 days that you have on your Marvin Console.

Verb: GET



  • Authorization: (received from Marvin Support Team)

Payload: no payload needed


        "id": "8aea0658-79aa-496b-8563-ecbb8fe69d78", // Execution ID
        "scriptName": "test", // Name of the automation process executed
        "execStatus": "SUCCESS", // Current status of execution
        "executionTime": "45.3094", // Execution duration time in seconds
        "robotName": "Your Robot", // Name of the robot that executed automation
        "logTime": 1643338651 // Timestamp of last status

Get Execution Details

This endpoint retrieve all details from an specific execution id.

Verb: GET



  • Authorization: (received from Marvin Support Team)

Payload: no payload needed


    "id": "d5f0a96f-33b2-48b4-9a29-bc7bf78ea288", // Execution ID
    "execStatus": "SUCCESS", // Current automation status
    "scriptName": "test", // Script to execute
    "vars": { // Variables sent to execution
        "city": "New York",
        "year": "2021"
    "createdAt": 1639519686, // Timestamp of execution creation
    "robotName": "My Marvin - 01", // Robot name
    "robotId": "c6ab9adb-98b7-4a92-8720-a2f49cabf4aa", // Robot ID
    "logTime": 1639519689, // Timestamp of last status change
    "logs": [ // List with all logs setted during script execution
            "type": "log",
            "log": "Initializing script execution"
            "type": "success",
            "log": "Script executed in 1 secs"
    "executionTime": "1.5867180000059307", // Execution duration time in seconds
    "to": [ // List of all e-mails that receive the execution status
        "[email protected]"